Single responsibility - a single class is responsible for each bit of functionality
Open for extension, closed for modification - ie. extend a class to add new functionality, not edit the original
Listov substitution (Behavioural subtyping) - Allow a child object to masquerade as it’s parent for all purporses
Interface segregation - Have many specific interfaces, not a few overgeneralised ones
Dependency inversion - Instead of making high-level classes depend on low-level ones, have them both depend on well-defined interfaces
Behavioural Patterns
Object which traverses a container to access it’s elements
Allows containers to be accessed without exposing their inner workings
Iterators can be defined for any data-containing structure
Allows dependent objects to “subscribe” to object state changes
Dependents get notified that a state has changed, rather than forcing it to constantly poll for changes
Allows for undo/redo behaviour
Keeps object “snapshots” in a caretaker object
Caretaker can be accessed to restore snapshots later
Methods to complete task implemented in seperate object
Original context object doesn’t know details of strategies, just selects one to use
Good example is a graph iterator - strategies can be implemented seperately (eg. depth first, breadth first) and selected based on conditions of the graph at runtime