Behavioural Patterns

Posted on May 20, 2022

SOLID design principles

  • Single responsibility - a single class is responsible for each bit of functionality
  • Open for extension, closed for modification - ie. extend a class to add new functionality, not edit the original
  • Listov substitution (Behavioural subtyping) - Allow a child object to masquerade as it’s parent for all purporses
  • Interface segregation - Have many specific interfaces, not a few overgeneralised ones
  • Dependency inversion - Instead of making high-level classes depend on low-level ones, have them both depend on well-defined interfaces

Behavioural Patterns


  • Object which traverses a container to access it’s elements
  • Allows containers to be accessed without exposing their inner workings
  • Iterators can be defined for any data-containing structure


  • Allows dependent objects to “subscribe” to object state changes
  • Dependents get notified that a state has changed, rather than forcing it to constantly poll for changes


  • Allows for undo/redo behaviour
  • Keeps object “snapshots” in a caretaker object
  • Caretaker can be accessed to restore snapshots later


  • Methods to complete task implemented in seperate object
  • Original context object doesn’t know details of strategies, just selects one to use
  • Good example is a graph iterator - strategies can be implemented seperately (eg. depth first, breadth first) and selected based on conditions of the graph at runtime

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